Welcome to the

Canadian Flag- SPARWOOD LIONS CLUB - American Flag

Part of the MD 19 E-6 Lions


The Sparwood Lions have been actively serving Sparwood for over 50 years.  

Meetings are held generally the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, September to June.  

The Lions run a TV Bingo (limited now) and numerous other projects throughout the year.

If you have some time to donate back to your community, consider joining the Sparwood Lions Club, talk to a Lion Today!

Please like The Sparwood Lions Club Page on FaceBook

Each Year
2- $1,000 Bursaries - Scholarships are given away!
Click the link above for more details

Deadline for application - April 15 of each year

Sparwood Lions TV Bingo  
When operational Sunday 7:00 p.m. - Except long weekends

Sparwood Lions TV Bingo

The Lions TV Bingo is available on Rogers/Shaw 105 - in Sparwood, Elkford & Fernie and Facebook Live

Sparwood Lions TV Bingo - Application Forms
   Word    PDF

Bingo Rules
"Know your limit, play within it. 19+"

Bingo Numbers Called Sheet - PDF - Image PNG - for Group Play and checking tickets.

Don't miss out on our famous Free Pancake Breakfast at Coal Miner Days in June

About the Sparwood Lions  Objects of the Sparwood Lions Club    Ethics of Sparwood Lions Club

Where is Sparwood, British Columbia?   

Sparwood.ca Home of the Terex Titan

Some Beautiful  Images of Sparwood:  www.beautifulsparwood.com

MD-19 Lions

    Other Lions Clubs in 19E-6
(Elkford, Fernie, Sand Creek)       

Thanks for visiting the Sparwood Lions, visit other Lions all over the World at www.lionsclubs.org

Brought to you by the Sparwood lions

P.O. Box 905
Sparwood, B.C., Canada
V0B 2G0

Click here to email the Sparwood Lions Club


Like our page - Message us on Facebook

First created October 15, 1997

Special thanks to the Fairfield Cyberlions of Australia for the Inspiration Making A Lions Web Page - many years ago, when the internet was young!  :)